We manage currency portfolios for institutional investors to achieve risk-mitigation and return-seeking objectives.



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We manage currency portfolios for institutional investors to achieve risk-mitigation and return-seeking objectives.



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Millennium Global was founded in 1994 and is one of the world’s largest providers of institutional currency management services. 


The firm manages currency programmes for institutional investors including pension funds, endowments, corporates & central banks and is a major participant in foreign exchange markets.


Millennium Global has been recognised as Currency Manager of the Year by the Financial Times, Pensions and Investment Providers Awards in 2019, 2020 and 2021.


Bn Group Hedged Assets*


Bn average volume traded**


Years in currency Management


Currency Manager of the year 2021 - PIPA Award***

Investment Management Solutions

Currency programmes are provided as managed accounts that are customised to individual client requirements.

“We believe that the foreign currency exposures embedded in international asset allocations should be managed to improve investors' risk/return outcomes, and that the foreign exchange market provides opportunities for specialists to generate uncorrelated returns."

Pierre Lequeux, Head of Investments


Recent Insights

Read our latest research, insights and news articles.

Q2 2024 Global Currency and Macroeconomic Outlook
Millennium Global is pleased to share its latest quarterly Currency and Macroeconomic Outlook. This...
Taking on the future: Machine Learning in FX Risk Management
By Justin Gang Xu, Head of Risk The global foreign exchange markets are primarily influenced by a...
Q1 2024 Global Currency and Macroeconomic Outlook
Millennium Global is pleased to share its latest quarterly Currency and Macroeconomic Outlook. This...
Q4 2023 Global Currency and Macroeconomic Outlook
Millennium Global is pleased to share its latest quarterly Currency and Macroeconomic Outlook. This...

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*Group Hedged assets as 1 January 2024 and is a combination of USD 14.7 billion hedged assets (all strategies that include hedging, up to the maximum amount that can be hedged) managed by Millennium Global Investments Limited and USD 11.2 billion executed by MillTechFX. Millennium Group comprises Millennium Global Investments Limited, Millennium Global (SAS) Europe and Millennium Global Treasury Services Limited.
** The 2023 annual traded volume refers to all Millennium Group activity. Millennium Group comprises Millennium Global Investments Limited, Millennium Global (SAS) Europe and Millennium Global Treasury Services Ltd.

***All awards refer to Millennium Global Investments.

© 2023 Millennium Global Investments Ltd.
Registered in England No. 2964847. Registered Office as UK address.

Millennium Global Investments Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority ref. 171039.

Millennium Global (Europe) SAS is regulated by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, number GP-19000031, and under Directive 2011/61/EU (AIFM Directive).

In accordance with its regulatory status, Millennium Global (Europe) SAS has the following policies available upon request: Complaint Management Policy, Conflict of Interest Policy, Best Selection/Execution Policy. Millennium Global (Europe) SAS has no Engagement Policy nor ESG Investment Policy as the company is exclusively active in foreign exchange.